Well February is over and you know what that means.... Valentine's Day has come and gone yet again. This day to celebrate love and relationships is finally past but I am still left with reflections that this day brought about. In our culture it seems that whether or not you enjoy the day hinges on one think, having a relationship with a significant other (boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife). Those who have that relationship are busy planning a fun day or romantic dinner, while those who do not tend to complain about the day or try to "be strong" and ignore the lovely-dovey posts floating across their Facebook and Twitter feeds. This year seemed no different than any other year. I normally land in the chategory of "being strong and trying to ignore all the lovey-dovey social media posts". I have never had a boyfriend, never been on a date; and therefore, normally disliked Valentine's Day. If I had a $1 for every time some one told me "One day...", I probably would be funded and on campus by now. It is almost like singleness is treated like an illness that needs to be cured; that our dislike of a day about love could be solved by just going on a date.
However, my reflections on this day have come to a different realization this year. I'm not in a different place relationally (still single) but I have come to a different season and place in my faith (no I am not kissing dating good-bye). I have come to a place where I am content with where God has me relationally. I'm not desperate and going to do whatever I can to get a date. I don't want to date for fun. In fact I think of dating more as "courting", the only reason I would date someone is with the end goal of knowing if that person is indeed someone I could marry. I would rather have it be a one time deal, instead of coming into my final relationship with the baggage that accumulated from dating for fun. So I will gladly wait for the Lord to bring me to the one man I would spend the rest of my life with. I only need one, so I will wait. God gives me what I need, so if I don't have a boyfriend right now guess I don't need one just yet. Instead of begrudging my singleness I will take advantage of this time to focus solely on my King and let Him be the only man in my life for now. Why should I make myself miserable when God can use this time for so much good? So I resonate with this two videos of some amazing Christian music artists who are in the same boat as me.
Thus ends my rant on people who think there is something wrong with me because I'm waiting and have never dated yet...
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